As an attendee and speaker at Litmus Live since 2017, I’ve recognized this event as something truly magical in the email industry—a way to learn in an inclusive environment full of people with the same goal, confirmation that being an email marketer takes devotion and an attitude of patience and grit, and that we’re all part of a community. I’ve enjoyed meeting so many fellow #EmailGeeks over the years and look forward to continuing learning and innovating alongside you.
Needless to say, I’m thrilled to have joined Litmus as the Events Manager, doing my part in the shared commitment to events from our entire team. I can’t wait to help host what’s always been the premier event for email marketers and continue to connect with everyone before, during, and after Litmus Live.
Our current world, though, has created new levels of uncertainty in so many aspects of our lives, with events being just one.
We’ve been fielding a lot of questions about what COVID-19 means for Litmus Live 2020 and wanted to take this opportunity to address some of those questions as well as invite you into the conversation to see how we can support your learning during this unprecedented time.
First off, we’re staying up-to-date with information and details around COVID-19 and factoring what we learn into our planning. Our goal is two-fold:
- To make Litmus Live the highlight of your year, with the same level of practical sessions, hands-on learning, and first-class networking as in years past.
- To do so as safely as possible.
With that in mind, I wanted to address some of the most common questions we’ve received:
- Will Litmus Live still happen? Yes!
- Will anything change for this year? Probably. We’re exploring our options and keeping an eye on what other event organizers are doing, but the one thing that won’t change is our commitment to providing world-class email education regardless of your role. We put email first in everything we do, and want to teach you how to do the same, creating an email marketing program that truly performs, from pre- to post-send and everywhere in between.
- When do you expect details to be announced? Soon (I promise!) We’re working diligently to confirm everything. Watch for updates here and on social media, and if you’re not already on our Litmus Live email list, sign up so you don’t miss anything.
I mentioned earlier about inviting you into the conversation. We figure this is a perfect time to check in with you, the community, to see what we can do to help make this year’s Litmus Live impactful, especially considering all that we’re collectively going through. I’ve put together a quick survey so you can tell us what you’re expecting from this year’s event, how we can best deliver the event, as well as any ideas you have for topics, talks, or any other feedback.
And, like everyone else, we miss our email friends. We’d love to hear your voice (and see your lovely faces!), so we’re inviting you to record a quick video and send it along with your feedback. Just tell us about something you’re hoping to learn about email this year, a favorite memory of Litmus Live, or how much the email community means to you. Don’t worry about making it fancy, we know how the work from home game goes…
If you’d rather send your questions or ideas in an email or for anything Litmus Live-related, my inbox is always open at
We’re all members of a global community—as citizens, marketers, and individuals. We’re fortunate that the email community is an especially inclusive and welcoming one, especially in times of crisis. We’re excited to continue that tradition at Litmus Live 2020 and share what we have in store.
I look forward to talking with you all about Litmus Live this year and beyond.
Lauren Kremer was the Events Manager at Litmus