The end of summer is fast approaching: soon we’ll have to put away our flip-flops and beach towels and dig out our sweaters. But summer ending isn’t all bad news when you have a chance to attend Litmus Live for free this September!
Now is your chance to win free tickets to Litmus Live Boston, with the help of our generous patrons.
Win a ticket to Litmus Live Boston with Taxi for Email
The awesome people of Taxi for Email are offering up one free ticket to Litmus Live Boston! To enter the contest, follow the link and tell them why you think that you should win a ticket to Litmus Live by August 24th.
Tell Taxi why you deserve a free ticket →
Go to Litmus Live for Free with Sparkpost
Our friends at Sparkpost are giving away one ticket to Litmus Live Boston, as well as a $1000 Visa gift card to help cover hotel and airfare! They just want to hear about the top three email challenges that you have faced at your organization in the past year. The deadline for submission is August 24th.
Score a Free Ticket from MessageGears
The kind folks over at MessageGears are giving away a ticket to Litmus Live Boston, and all you have to do is tell them what you love about email marketing. Tell them why you’re passionate about email before August 24th, and they’ll pick their favorite response.
What to Expect at Litmus Live Boston
At Litmus Live Boston, you’ll join your fellow #emailgeeks to hear from leading experts in the industry and learn the latest in email marketing. The agenda is filled with sessions on everything from data-driven design to advanced personalization, improved workflows, and more, so you’ll leave with dozens of ideas to improve the performance of your email campaigns.
Here’s just a taste of the insightful sessions you’ll see there:
- Interactive Emails: Revenge of the Fallbacks — Alice Li, Shutterstock
Interactive emails are powerful, but they don’t work everywhere. Alice Li, email developer extraordinaire at Shutterstock and EEC Email Marketer of the Year 2018, is returning to Litmus Live Boston again this year to teach you about the importance of fallbacks. Learn how to plan, design, and code appropriate fallbacks that ensure interactive campaigns provide a robust experience for all subscribers. - Re-Engaging Sleepy Subscribers — AJ Jacob, United Nations Foundation
Feeling a lag in subscriber engagement? AJ Jacob, Digital Development Officer at the United Nations Foundation and master of reigniting subscriber relationships, will give you insights on how to caffeinate those sleepy subscribers. Learn how the UN Foundation doubled their open rate, increased clicks by 833%, and increased fundraising with double-digit growth. - Collaborate Without the Stress: Getting Alignment and Buy-In — Robin Panish, Wistia
When it comes to email, keeping everyone on the same page is hard! Get tips from team management guru, Robin Panish, on how to run more effective meetings, build rapport with colleagues, manage stakeholders, and make sure your team gets the credit it deserves. Better communication = better email!