How Trello Uses Litmus to Guarantee a Great Brand Experience for All Subscribers

1 min read

Getting your emails to look flawless in all popular email clients and devices is a key challenge for many email marketers—and the more diverse your audience is, the harder it is to guarantee a consistent brand experience for all subscribers. Chris Kaundart, Email Marketing Manager for Atlassian’s popular project management tool Trello, knows this challenge too well:

“Some organize their knitting projects in Trello, others use it at work where their company might manage their entire product development or customer support processes in Trello. Our users couldn’t be more diverse—and so are the ways they read email.”

Chris Kaundart
Email Marketing Manager at Trello

With an audience that diverse, Trello has to optimize their emails for a broad range of email clients—from email clients for individual use, like Gmail, to clients popular in a business environment that might come with limited support for HTML and CSS. Plus, with a customer base spread all over the globe, Trello also has to ensure that their emails look great and perform in international inboxes.

With so many use cases to consider, the process of troubleshooting and optimizing emails can be a cumbersome and resource-intensive process. That’s a challenge, especially when expectations for email quality are high and the deadlines tight.

But quality and speed don’t have to be a trade-off. Chris Kaundart shares how Trello uses Litmus to create consistently great email experiences for all subscribers while, at the same time, cutting down production times.

Read their story →

Bettina Specht

Bettina Specht is the Product Marketing Lead at Beefree.