What Are Your New Year’s Resolutions for Email?

3 min read

It’s 2021. Finally. Finally.

While we’re just as thrilled as you are that 2020 is officially over, like a lot of you, we’re looking ahead and thinking about how we can make 2021 better than what felt like the worst (and longest) year in history. That’s right, it’s time to talk about New Year’s Resolutions™️—all of those promises made in January… and typically forgotten by February.

On top of continuing our mask wearing and social distancing, we put together a few modest email marketing resolutions of our own in the hopes that they’ll inspire your own for 2021. They’re easy to keep all year long, too.

Our email resolutions you can steal

Last year, despite our best planning, was all about surviving as a marketing team. 2020 threw damned near everything it could at us, so we spent the whole year embracing agility, pivoting our plans (Litmus Live, anyone?), and working together to make sure our team had what they needed to feel safe and supported.

Although we’re still in the midst of a raging pandemic and are bringing those themes into 2021, this year we want to focus our efforts on better understanding our audience, bringing them value as efficiently as possible, and giving back to an email community that’s taken a lot of hits over the past year. With that in mind, we resolve to…

Get to know our subscribers better

Our subscribers and customers (folks like you!) are the most important people in our collective professional lives. But, far too often, we make assumptions about what matters to them without spending the time to confirm those assumptions. We know we’re not alone, either.

So this year, we want to spend more time talking to our subscribers to see what kind of articles, webinars, events, ebooks, and yes, emails, they really need from us. And we want to do it on a more regular basis so that it becomes ingrained in our DNA as a marketing team.

In fact, we just sent out a survey to get feedback on our Litmus Weekly newsletter. If you’re not already subscribed, check it out and let us know what you think!

And, of course, we always welcome your feedback when you reply to our emails or even in the comment section below.

Improve our own efficiency

There are some email and marketing all-stars at Litmus. Still, even the best team can improve their process. That’s why we’re investing heavily in creating a more efficient workflow for our own team.

We’ve already started the process of streamlining our tools, getting better documentation together, and refining our email design system so that we can produce better emails (and other content) faster than ever before.

Give back to the email community

Finally, we’re going to be giving back to the wider email community in a bunch of different ways.

Whether that’s continuing our Email First Awards and recognizing the amazing work of email pros from around the world, lifting up more diverse voices in our webinars and events, or producing even more free educational content to help you level up your skills and careers… 2021 is all about providing the resources email leaders and practitioners need along with a platform for the community to connect and educate each other.

What are you resolving to change this year?

It may seem arbitrary, but the New Year is a great time to reflect on what went right and wrong over the past year and plan ahead for creating a better future for yourself and, in the case of us marketers, our audiences.

We’d love to hear what you’re resolving to change in 2021. Leave a comment below and let us know.

Jason Rodriguez

Jason Rodriguez was the Community & Product Evangelist at Litmus