We couldn’t say it better than Email Marketing Strategist Jeannette Castañeda:
Clear your calendar for these can’t-miss sessions
Each day September 14-18, we’ll have a mix of live and on-demand sessions to fit your schedule. The on-demand sessions will be available on their specific day only and then later sent to all Litmus Live Week registrants along with the live session recordings. So no worries if you miss some or all of Litmus Live Week—just make sure to register so you can access the recordings later!
Here’s a peek of some of the keynotes we’re super excited about (and you should be, too):
How To Create an Email Newsletter People Will Clear Their Calendars To Read: 7 Lessons From the Past 7 Months With Ann Handley
Monday, September 14, 2020, at 12pm ET
Ann Handley is a famed digital marketing pioneer and will grace us with her best tips, secrets, and examples to help you create and write an email newsletter that gets real results in 2020. And you know we could definitely use more of that right now.
Getting the Green Light: How To Build Messages People Say Yes To With Tamsen Webster
Tuesday, September 15, 2020, at 10am ET
Tamsen Webster found a way to change how people see, and what they do as a result. She’ll share her secrets on how to analyze your messages for the “red lights” so you can turn them into “green lights.” Get ready for a whole lot of YES from your audience.
Look, Squirrel! Beyond the Shiny New Thing To the Marketing Mindset for the Modern Digital World With Tom Fishburne
Thursday, September 17, 2020, at 1pm ET
Don’t miss this fun keynote with Tom Fishburne of Marketoonist. He’ll use cartoons to show how brands can connect and engage in moments that matter, focusing on the right data and mindset to take full advantage of email. That’s why we’re here, right?
Be sure to check out the full agenda and the quick list below so you know everything to look forward to…
Monday, September 14, 2020
Monday’s live sessions:
- 11am ET: Kickoff & Welcome with our very own CMO, Melissa Sargeant
- 12pm ET: How to Create an Email Newsletter People Will Clear Their Calendars to Read: 7 Lessons From the Past 7 Months With Ann Handley
- 1pm ET: Online Tools, Offline Conversions: How Policygenius & Redfin Found Success
- 2pm ET: Live Optimization: Newsletter Edition
Monday’s on-demand sessions:
- Email for Enterprises: A Fireside Chat With Capital One
- Proper Grammar Ain’t Always Proper: Writing What’s Best for Your Audience
- Building a Newsletter That’s Strange and Wonderful
- Overlays and Absolute Positioning in Email
- Using All Channels in Concert
- Expanding Email’s Relevance for Gen Z (and Whatever Comes after Z?)
- What Happens When the Doors Are Shut: A Fireside Chat With the Adler Planetarium
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Tuesday’s live sessions:
- 10am ET: Getting the Green Light: How To Build Messages People Say Yes To
- 11am ET: Designing Emails for Equity & Inclusion
- 1pm ET: Optimizing the Sales & Marketing Partnership: A Fireside Chat With Outreach
- 2pm ET: Live Optimization
Tuesday’s on-demand sessions:
- What Alexa Can Learn from Email Marketers
- Email Workflow: More Than Just a Process
- Strategizing Email Marketing Towards Your Marketing Goals
- Proactivity for the (Deliverability) Win!
- Why Your Abandoned Cart Emails Are Abandoning You
- Improving Your Production Process With an Email Design System
- An Email Marketer’s Blindspot
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Wednesday’s live sessions:
- 10am ET: Going Agile: The New Standard for Email Efficiency and Success
- 11am ET: Interactivity Insights: A Fireside Chat With Salesforce
- 1pm ET: The Conversational Case Workshop: How To Script the Stories That Sell Ideas
- 2pm ET: Live Optimization
Wednesday’s on-demand sessions:
- Lessons Learned: How To Create a Successful Newsletter on the Fly
- Centralized Communication in Higher Educations—Pros and Cons
- Process Makes Perfect (At Least in Email)
- Snip It Before You Ship It
- Brand Protection Through Source Control & Continuous Deployment
- The Right Content, the Right Channel, the Right Time: A Fireside Chat With Independent Femail
- Dynamic Content & Personalization
- Supporting Email in Your MarTech Stack: A Fireside Chat With SAP
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Thursday’s live sessions:
- 10am ET: Do Email Subscription Pop-ups Work?
- 11am ET: Cause and Effect: A Fireside Chat on Inclusivity in Marketing with Kevin Tyler
- 1pm ET: Beyond the Shiny New Thing to the Marketing Mindset in the Digital World
- 2pm ET: Live Optimization: Interactivity Edition
Thursday’s on-demand sessions:
- Creating Opportunity in the Face of a New Normal: A Fireside Chat With Oracle
- AMP Up Email Interactivity To the Next Level
- CSS Art in Email
- Dropping the
Tag: Data Visualization Without Images
- Emails Done Right: 3-Step Process To Conversion
- Choose Your Own Adventure: Prospecting Or Personalization Without Data
- Make Every Email a Unicorn
- Using Email as a Virtual Venue
- Panel Discussion: Email Marketing in the Nonprofit World
Friday, September 18, 2020
Friday’s live sessions:
- 10am ET: The Factors That Affect Email Deliverability
- 11am ET: Becoming a Personalization Hero With AMPScript
- 1pm ET: Litmus Certifications and Email First Award Winners
Friday’s on-demand sessions:
- Courage to Fail: Why & How To Take Smarter Risks in Your Email Copy
- Scrappy & From Scratch: Building an Email Production System as a 1-Person Team
- 3 Things To Keep Your Subscribers Engaged When They’re Distracted
- Expanding Interactive Techniques
Don’t miss out on all of this amazing content. Sign up for Litmus Live Week for free. And if you can’t make it, register anyway, and we’ll send the recordings to you later.
See you in just a few days!
Magan Le is the Sr. Manager of CRM and Lifecycle Marketing at TheGuarantors.