Email Client Market Share in June 2022

6 min read

What are the top email clients in June 2022? Here’s a look at the most popular email clients by open environment, mobile, webmail, desktop, Dark Mode vs. Light Mode—plus the shifts that took place from May to June 2022.

Before we jump in, we’ve got an update. We’ve added detection for the following nine email clients:

  • QQ Mail
  • Bell Mail
  • 163 Mail
  • Naver
  • Videotron Webmail
  • Xfinity
  • Outlook Web Access
  • BT Internet

We’re excited to add these webmail clients to Litmus Email Analytics, and will continue to measure their impact with email client market share.

If you use Litmus Email Analytics, you may have noticed these email clients  last month in your Email Analytics reports under “web version.” For more on what “web version” means, visit our Help Center.

Before diving in, we always like to note:

  • As of fall 2021, the category “Apple” includes Apple iPhone (iOS Mail), Apple Mail (macOS Mail), Apple iPad (iPadOS Mail), and Apple Mail Privacy Protection (Apple privacy-impacted opens). Learn why in this blog post.
  • Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) hides device data so we aren’t able to differentiate between iOS, iPadOS, or macOS. Additionally, the new OSes don’t differentiate between MPP and non-MPP in the user agent data it passes.

Top 10 most popular email clients

The top 3 most popular email clients for June 2022 are Apple, Gmail, and Outlook.

Here’s the top 10:

Top 10 email clients in a chart
  1. Apple: 58.3%
  2. Gmail: 28.6%
  3. Outlook: 4.4%
  4. Yahoo Mail: 3.3%
  5. Google Android: 1.6%
  6. 0.8%
  7. Samsung Mail: 0.3%
  8. 0.1%
  9. Windows Live Mail: 0.08%
  10. 0.05%

From May to June, Apple’s market share increased slightly, from 58.0% to 58.3%. Something worth noting: Since we were first able to start tracking Apple privacy-impacted opens, Apple’s share has increased by 13.4% (from 51. 4% in October 2021). 

Let’s take a look at each Apple subcategory:

  1. Apple Mail Privacy Protection: 53.2%
  2. Apple Mail (macOS Mail): 2.5%
  3. Apple iPhone (iOS Mail): 2.3%
  4. Apple iPad (iPadOS Mail): 0.3%

Apple Mail Privacy Protection has gone up—from 52.2% to 53.2%—and is still the most popular Apple subcategory. Apple Mail (macOS Mail) is in second place, replacing Apple iPhone (iOS Mail) which was the second most popular Apple subcategory last month.

The second most popular email client is Gmail at 28.6%, up from 28.1% in May 2022. Outlook is the third most popular email client, with 4.4% share in June 2022.

Although the top seven email clients have remained the same, we have seen a notable shift. Now that we are able to detect, it’s in eighth place. With this, GMX has been booted from the top ten. This shift is due to our new ability to track it, not necessarily because usage increased.

Want more data and trends? Check out our email client market share site, which includes Apple’s MPP data, pre and post-MPP launch.

Most popular reading environments

Here’s a look at reading environments:

Opens by environment chart
  1. Apple Mail Privacy Protection: 52.7%
  2. Webmail: 35.0%
  3. Desktop: 6.9%
  4. Mobile: 4.4%
  5. Other: 1%

After Apple Mail Privacy Protection, which accounts for 52.7% of the share, webmail is the most popular reading environment at 35%.

Since October 2021, we’ve been able to track MPP with Litmus Email Analytics. Back then, mobile’s share was 30.7%, while desktop was 14%. Now, both reading environments have dwindled; mobile holds a 4.4% share, and desktop holds a 6.9%. Since MPP affects any email opened from the Apple Mail app on any device (including desktop and mobile), this decrease may be attributed to MPP.

Most popular mobile opens

The top three mobile email clients are Apple iPhone (iOS Mail), Google Android, and Samsung Mail—same as last month.

Most popular mobile opens chart
  1. Apple iPhone (iOS Mail): 52.3%
  2. Google Android: 35.3%
  3. Samsung Mail: 6.1%

In May 2022, Samsung Mail became the third most popular mobile email client, a spot previously held by Apple iPad (iPadOS Mail). It has maintained its spot, and increased from 5.9% to 6.1%.

Most popular webmail opens

The most popular webmail clients for June 2022 are Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and

most popular webmail opens chart
  1. Gmail: 86.8%
  2. Yahoo Mail: 9.9%
  3. 2.3%

As far as rankings go, the top three are still the same. Both Gmail and Yahoo Mail have increased, from 86.7% to 86.8% and 9.4% to 9.9%, respectively. dropped a bit from 2.9% last month to 2.3%.

Wondering why we categorize Gmail as webmail? Learn how Gmail opens are reported in Email Analytics.

Most popular desktop opens

As for desktop, the three most popular clients are still Outlook, Apple Mail (macOS Mail), and Windows Live Mail.

Most popular desktop opens chart
  1. Outlook: 63.2%
  2. Apple Mail (macOS Mail): 35.5%
  3. Windows Live Mail: 1.1%

Outlook continues to take the lead as the most popular desktop email client, at 63.2%. As it continues to grow, we’ve seen Apple Mail (macOS Mail)—in second—decline over the past few months. This could also be attributed to MPP.

image of Litmus' Mail Privacy Protection and Email marketing guide MPP and Email Marketing: Your 5 Step Response Guide

Get you up to speed on what MPP means for your email strategy, with ways to re-evaluate email performance.


Light Mode vs. Dark Mode opens

Light Mode is the most popular reading environment, with 74.2% of the overall share.

Light vs dark mode chart
  1. Light Mode: 74.2%
  2. Dark Mode: 25.9%

Dark Mode accounts for the remaining 25.9%. Its popularity increased slightly from May to June 2022, up from 25.6%.

What about your subscribers?

These insights provide an at-a-glance look at the market share of email clients. Though powerful, these data points should be used as a reference point in addition to your audience insights.

Take the time to understand what’s trending with your audience—and deliver a truly memorable and tailored subscriber experience.

Where did we get all this data? Our email client market share stats are pulled from over a billion email opens, anonymously collected, and aggregated with Litmus Email Analytics from June 1-30, 2022. It highlights global trends across all industries and verticals. Some email clients may be over- or under-represented, particularly with mobile and webmail. This is due to image blocking or image caching, most notably with Gmail. Still curious? Learn how we get this data.


Get insights into your audience—with Litmus Email Analytics

Get visibility into your audience—Apple Mail and otherwise—so you can see how much your program is being impacted by MPP, adapt for the future, and continue to create more effective campaigns, faster.


Kimberly Huang

Kimberly Huang is a Content Marketing Manager at Litmus.