Watch the Webinar

The tools we use to design, build, and test email campaigns have changed drastically over the years. From Dreamweaver and Builder, to Photoshop and Figma, tools have evolved to make our work more dynamic, collaborative, and enjoyable. Those classic tools still hold a special place in the hearts of email geeks everywhere. More importantly, they influence what we expect of our current tools and what we want to see in the future.

In this webinar, the Litmus team and a few friends will look at some of our favorite tools—past and present—while talking about:

  • How to get the most out of your current tools
  • Productivity tips for designing, coding, and testing campaigns
  • What we need to make email tools better in the future

Geek out (and commiserate) with us as we look back at the history of making emails and what that history means for the future of email marketers everywhere.

Meet Your Presenters
Jason Rodriguez
Jason Rodriguez Community & Product Evangelist, Litmus
Lily Worth
Lily Worth Email Design and Production Specialist, Litmus
Shani Nestingen
Shani Nestingen Lead Product Designer/Developer of Email, Target
Camille Palu
Camille Palu Co-Founder, Camiah