Watch the Webinar

Transactional emails are the cornerstone of a customer’s experience with your company and often generate the majority of email revenue. When customers make an order, forget their password, or add a new user to their account, how do you provide that information and give them a seamless experience—and how can those emails improve retention and engagement?

With this recorder webinar, you’ll see “Live” Optimization—one of the most popular sessions at Litmus Live—right  before your eyes. Join the Litmus team and Becs Rivett-Kemm as we review transactional emails from your peers and provide hands-on A/B testing suggestions, design feedback, and strategic takeaways to help you maximize value, engagement, and response.

Whether you’re looking for feedback on a new template or want to improve an email that hasn’t been performing all that well, this webinar will give you the tips and inspiration you need to send transactional emails that drive results.

Meet Your Presenters
Jason Rodriguez
Jason Rodriguez Community & Product Evangelist, Litmus
Jaina Mistry
Jaina Mistry Email Marketing Manager, Litmus
Becs Rivett-Kemm
Becs Rivett-Kemm Email Consultant, Conversio