Watch the Webinar

2020 has thrown the biggest of wrenches into just about everything—including email marketing strategies and tactics. For retailers, who rely on email to get people in the door (both physically and digitally), it’s left them reeling. Pandemics, political and social unrest, and low level anxiety pretty much everywhere… there’s not much that inspires people to part with their money.

But—even as the definition of successful retail email marketing has changed—some retailers have found success speaking to all of those challenges. And they’ve won customers over in the process.

That’s why we teamed up with our friends at Really Good Emails and National Geographic to review some of our favorite retail emails from the past year. We look at:

  • The elements of a really good retail email
  • How successful brands are designing and writing for 2020
  • Opportunities for brands to improve the anxious, overwhelmed lives of modern consumers
  • How anyone in email—not just retailers—can use the same techniques to create better, more engaging email campaigns

Want to see how your emails match up to the competition? Curious how you can start sending better emails with the tools you already have? Eager to grow your business while sticking to your values and respecting your subscribers in the process? This webinar is for you.

Meet Your Presenters
Whitney Rudeseal Peet
Whitney Rudeseal Peet Digital Marketing Specialist, Litmus
Rita Spinks
Rita Spinks Manager, Email Marketing, National Geographic
Matt Helbig
Matt Helbig Head of Community, Really Good Emails
Jason Rodriguez
Jason Rodriguez Community & Product Evangelist, Litmus